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Julie and Julia

August 15, 2009
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Lunch today was easy and tasty. and cheap! green pepper + corn + olive oil + 1 egg + brown rice + soy sauce = healthy fried rice 🙂



with some BC blueberries on the side. I didn’t use to like blueberries, and I don’t know what’s changed, but these are delicious!





Later on this afternoon I had a slice of toast, with organic peanut butter and homemade blueberry jam.





I had an awesome afternoon – I went to Starbucks and read my new book. I had my Starbucks favourite, a sugar-free vanilla nonfat awake tea misto. The quote on the tea bag slip made me laugh!




And then I met my mom to see Julie and Julia. I really enjoyed the movie – it was honestly laugh out loud funny, and Meryl Streep was excellent. I highly recommend for a girls night out! Also, I now really want to try out Julia Child’s cookbook – in particular the beef bourguignon!


I had some popcorn at the movie – with what else? butter! Very appropriate for the movie 😉



Yeah, I didn’t have dinner at all today. And since it’s after 10, I don’t think I will. I’m just not hungry! Very unusual. The popcorn probably had more than enough calories for a dinner though 😉 I will probably wake up starving tomorrow though…

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